Day 1 Progress for Tabby
mespringfield on 2009/04/27 00:52
of GNAG's Not A Game
Here are my accomplishments for day one:
- Came up with a concept involving cats who roam the backyards of their neighborhood in search of adventure. Along the way they meet up with a series of challenges requiring them to defend their territory or to find a way to escape an enemy's territory.
- Wrote up a mini game design doc to help clarify the game's goals, mechanics, and flow to myself. The game (as currently envisioned) has many features of a tactical RPG: combat is turn-based, and each cat has a special battle skill. However, there are also some real-time action/arcade type activities, such as chasing mice in a maze-like garden or escaping a yard full of kids with BB guns.
- Wrote code to create the main window, handle keyboard events, and implement a simple camera system. Got started on code for rendering 3D backyard levels.
No screenshots yet, but here's something to tide you over: