I like the themes!
These themes are great! At first I was like WTF as probably most people initially reacted. But overnight I warmed up to most of them. The only one I don't really like is sleeping bears, although I have ideas for it as well. Each one almost has several meanings built in. For instance, tatlin's tower could be about the tower, or it could be bout tatlin and his failed attempts to get the tower built, or it could be about abandoned production projects in general, or it could be about tatlin's other ideas which were even more insane...Half sovereign could be about sorting money, fighting dragons (it's on the coin), something to do with kings/rulers, or some kind of economic battle (as long as it's not a boring spreadsheet app, it could be cool too).
The first thing I think of with scupper is "scupper sweeper", a frantic casual game involving unclogging the drains :) But there is also the verb "to scupper", which is about destruction. Well, that is about as open ended a theme as you can get, since most games are about destruction anyway. Heh, maybe a game where you have to destroy houses by clogging the roof drains during a heavy rain for the double whammy.
Get off my lawn could be about chasing kids off the lawn, of course, but the lawn in question could be expanded to any kind of territory that needs protecting. But Get off my Lawn and Sleeping Bears are a little more limiting than the others, I will be voting them down.
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Get off my LAN?
But honestly, I think all are pretty good, except for tatlin's tower and the bears - tatlin is just way to specific IMHO.