pymunk - 2d physics

Today I released a new version of the pymunk library (v 0.8.2). Its just a small upgrade from the earlier version (0.8.1) with a couple of bug fixes and small cleanups, but at least one is quite important, a fix that makes the build_chipmunk build command work on 64 bit Linux

For those of you who hasn't heard of it before, pymunk is a binding to the 2d physics engine Chipmunk for use in python. It puts a pythonic layer above Chipmunk to make it easy to use for python programmers to get cool 2d physics in (pyweek)games. Its first appearance was in the game Bouncy (pyweek 5) made by me and Srekel.

For more information and download, see the pymunk page at google code: pymunk.

(Ofc I understand that its now less than a month left before pyweek, but I think that this release is reasonable. Most prominent changes are the 64bit linux compile fix and a couple of bug fixes in the util module which shouldnt cause any trouble for those using it and only make a game using pymunk easier to run on more computers)

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Pretty sure bugfix releases this late are fine, especially if it's a well established library (which I think pymunk is).