Post mortem of someone who failed to finish ANY game dev competition

One of these days I will actually have something to show people. When? I'm not sure. I can comment on a few things I learned from this PyWeek, the last Ludum Dare, the Mini Ludum Dare two months ago, and a few other previous competitions.

The first observation I could make is that even though Ludum Dare is only two days long, both times I accomplished a lot more than I ever had during any of my PyWeek attempts. This may be due to the following reasons:

Some things I will try to remember when the next PyWeek rolls around:

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Good points, and the last one is definitely one of the most important ones because that's the thing that keeps us coming back. :)
Aye, I also feel I got more done during LD48 than during PyWeek. I finished both but whereas my LD48 game was pretty good IMHO my PyWeek entry is crap. :(