Attention span exceeded
I just don't feel like programming anything today. I think I'm heading for a dropout. =((log in to comment)
If my opinion matters at all, short and simple is more than okay -- I value simple reality over grandios dreams any day, especially in a contest that's only one week long.
I of course won't disrespect you if you drop out (Lord knows I've dropped out enough of past contests myself), but I just want to let you know that I'd really enjoy seeing something you put together -- even if you have to scrap most of your big dreams and go for a much simpler game.
aaack! Mayday! Mayday! Cut weight!!!
Seriously though, one of the most helpful things I've learned from Pyweek is to be ruthless when cutting features -- especially when you're half - 3/4 of the way through the project. Nuke all of the fluff, make a bare-bones shippable game, and then add features to it. Nothing sucks like feeling pressure on the last day to make the game playable -- get the game playable (but hardly any features) as early as possible, so that you can spend your last day making it more fun -- it really makes the whole thing more enjoyable.
If I've learned anything from these contests, it's that a good set of feature-snippers is invaluable at this point in the process.
Not trying to push you -- just want to encourage you that if you get something shippable (no matter how small), you'll likely be glad to have done it.