
I've now written a simple pygame line-writer, so that I can get the lazy programmer benefits of a text-based game in a pygame window (also to make the events thing fire properly without having to use either a graphical interface or pure console).

Also, I noticed the music mixer (which I'm using to crank out silly disco songs while the game plays) was repeatedly static-ing up on Ubuntu, so I googled and found a fix; however, it was in the copy-and-paste form of pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -16, 2, 4096) I hope this is within the rules! D=

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That is fine I think :) Not like you are copying entire sections of code - just an example of how to use a pygame lib - you can find a similar line somewhere on as well :)
It didn't work anyway T_T Does anyone know what causes the entire pygame mixer to die in a heap of static? Might just be a local problem.
That has happened to me before, on windows with the new version - I haven't even gotten sound to work right on ubuntu yet, but I think it is the frequency thing ;)