pyweek entries color scheme

The blue over black for the team names, in the entries page, is heavy to read, due to the poor contrast.
Can I vote for change to another more contrasting pair ?
In a hurry, changing the bgColor=#eee to bgColor=#00ffff will do, but problably there are better combinations :-)

see all !

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Color me confused (heh, get it) but #eee is a very light grey ... not black
Well, maybe is a navigator interpretation of #eee.
With IE6, IE7 and Opera brownsers I see black.

Err, If you want grey, why not try #e0e0e0 ?

On an unrelated question, seems that the first message in a thread has the 'edit this entry' link, but subsequent comments do not.
Huh. I've used three-char color specs for ages, and this is the first time someone's pointed out that they don't work in IE :)

And editing of comments just isn't on my priority list, I'm afraid.

Ahhhh!!! My eyes say 'Thanks Richard'