Linux Woes
Unfortunately, my linux box has been dead for a long time, so I couldn't do any linux testing before submitting. This led to me overlooking the fact that I had a chipmunk DLL, which is windows only, forcing linux users to download and build chipmunk from source. Ieuan tried to get it working for a while today, but with no luck, so apparently we're dead in the water for linux. :'(
If you DO manage to get chipmunk installed correctly in linux, please let me know ASAP (keeyai _at_ gmail) so I can share the info with everyone else and hopefully not get so many does not works.
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The very easy one is to download the compiled libchipmunk32/ lib here and then rename to just and place in the same folder as the dll.
Or you can replace your file with the file used by Robots in Saucers and then download the libchipmunk32/ files and place them in the pymunk folder (in the same way as Robots in Saucers).
I should have fixed the library loading stuff earlier for pymunk, but Im not completely convinced that the current way (similar to the method used by Robots in Saucers) is the best and hadn't enough time before the lib deadline..
Neither of those methods worked for me exactly as you described. I was able to get it to work by following the second instruction with the additional step of renaming to
I have no idea why that was required, since that isn't how RobotsInSaucers named the .so file, even though I was using from RobotsInSaucers.