Got 50% of Puzzle Aspect Done

So, I'd say I have about 45-50% of the puzzle side of the engine done. I've only got two things that the robot can be used for right now though (as a weight for switches and as a mobile spring-board type of thing). As I create more abilities, I'll probably end up setting myself back further from being complete simply due to their incorporation in actual puzzles. But whatever, it'll work out somehow.

I'm now slightly unsure about the whole combat aspect. I just don't know if I'll have enough time to develop to the length that I want to. If I can crank the puzzle stuff out, then we'll see. Honestly, I'd rather just have a complete game with just the puzzle-based side then a half-done game with both the action and puzzles.

Also, I'm hoping to get some screen shots or maybe a video or something up once I get something other than a square block for my main character, which is the only thing that doesn't have some sort of real graphic right now. I'm doing low-res pixel art to save myself time, so it shouldn't take me too long.