Twisted game concept
Wednesday is forever lost. I had to go to school today, and didn't make as much progress as I hoped to. :P Well, I still have 2,5 days left before I'll go to visit Helsinki this Saturday. There's not much time for beta testing, but I'll try to live with it. I didn't really anticipate how much time I'd have to spend just to get the client-server relationship of a multiplayer game working, so I've had to work quite hard to get even this far, but I'm still confident I'll have something to show you guys when the week is over. And it'll be a turn-based online multiplayer strategy game.
My game concept is centered around two things: the rock-paper-scissors relationship so often seen in strategy games (though this time the player actually controls an army of rocks, paper and scissors), and yomi. The twisting factor combines these two aspects - any turn any player can pay a certain amount of resources to use the 'twist it!' -button to turn the rock-paper-scissors relationships upside down. This can turn battles in the favor of the player that used the feature, but if the opponent anticipates this move, he can counter it with a clever placement of his own troops - or by using the 'twist it!' -button himself!
This will transform the battle into a mind game, as the players try to outguess and outsmart their competition. At least if I ever get my code working like I have planned. :P I might have to drop single player and some extra features like fog of war and unit splitting and joining, but the core of the game should work without them. Have fun coding, everyone!
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