Twisted TV - fairly simple processes

Tuesday: Went to the office and worked hard, but unfortunately not on my game. Kept thinking that there had to be a simpler way of implementing coroutines.

Returned home in the evening and improved my code by taking things out, resulting in - Fairly Simple Processes.

It means that I can write multitasking code like this, hopefully simplifying the logic a bit. It's all part of a wild and wacky experiment based on reading a few articles about Erlang.

from fsp import spawn, run

def producer(consumers):
    while True:
        yield True
        for consumer in consumers:
def consumer():
    while True:
        yield wait()
        msg = recv()
        print me, msg

c = spawn(consumer)
for i in xrange(10):
    spawn(producer, (c,))

Next: Re-integrate sprite stuff.

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Minor modifications to (not uploaded yet)...

Given that my code was dotted with things like...

renderer.send(('move', me, x, y))
I overloaded __lshift__ to make it possible to write
renderer << ('move', me, x, y)

That in itself cleaned up the appearance of my code, because sending asynchronous messages is fundamental to the approach I'm taking.

I then turned my attention to reading messages, and realised if I made the process class into an iterator then it would be possible to replace this...

while True:
    yield wait()
    while ready:
        msg = recv()
        *** do something with msg ***
with this...
while True:
    yield wait()
    for msg in me:
        *** do something with msg ***
...where me is the name of the current process.

I also threw in a broadcast() call, as a common idiom seems to be to send the same message to a bunch of processes.

My wife asked me this morning how my game was going. "Well, I now have a nice concurrent message passing library." Sooner or later a game will emerge.
