Day One work

I finally managed to get started on my entry. Work has progress pretty well in the four and a half hours I've managed to put in today.

So far you can pick up and drop pieces on to the game board. You can also start the boiler and increase the pressure of the steam. The steam flows through the pipes based on the pressure in each pipe. When the steam reaches the green box it is counted in a simple scoring system.

The graphs on each of the pipes indicates the current pressure in that pipe. Ideally I'll replace the graphs with actual blobs of steam, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time for that.

Balancing the physics of the flow of the steam could prove tricky. While I'm at work tomorrow I need to think about whether this really is the best way to simulate the flow of steam, and to think about the additional elements that I want, beyond pipes.

Overall, not a bad start.