Day One, Nothing done
Okay, that's a damned lie, but I haven't written any actual code yet so we'll stick with it.After learning of the theme selection I abandoned my original plan and decided to come up with something truly Twisted, but after realizing that "Danny Dunn's LSD Adventure" would require art resources I didn't have, I settled for continuing with the Breakout clone. Once I get the basic gameplay up and running I plan to add in a "screwball" effect that will hopefully Improve the gameplay rather than create an unplayable mess.
With the theme decided, it was time for class diagrams! Which I am failing to reproduce here in HTML, but most everything will inherit from the Sprite and/or Rect classes, except the main Game class which should come from scratch.
Goal for tomorrow: Screenshots of a full level built using coded classes rather than the GIMP. Functionality optional but here's hoping.