The “Slowest Moving Character in a Bright Blue Cape Award” Award

Presented by LeopardShark to:
Spire of Chaos (Chaotic Elven Wizard) | |
No one could stop the dragon, and now he is ruling your beloved city. A seasoned adventurer like you know that he will get bored and devour everyone in a few days. But a seasoned adventurer likes you knows there is nothing that can harm the monster except for an enchanted dragon slaying arrow. Nobody has seen one of those in ages. It is said that the wizard kept one in his tower nearby... but he died a century ago. Others have tried to get into the building just to escape with reports of deadly traps and monsters. There is no choice now but face the dangers within if you are to slay the evil dragon. The time is running out and the path will certainly be filled with peril, it's not an accident this place is called... THE SPIRE OF CHAOSYou have a week, adventurer. |