The “Modern hobos must ascend to new heights” Award

Presented by tizilogic to:

Hobot's Ascent (D)
Meet Hobot, a quirky little robot who one day wakes up to find himself in the basement of a strange tower. Help him use the limited means at his disposal to ascend through the fantastical floors, to discover what is at the very top!

Use the ← → ↓ ↑ keys to move and the Enter key to interact. To switch to fullscreen, press Alt+Enter or F11.

To run the game, just type:

The only dependency is Panda3D, which can be installed using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Binary builds with all dependencies packaged are available from the downloads, though there should not be issues with running from source code.

With the macOS .app bundle, note that you may get an error after clicking Hobot's about me being an untrusted developer. Go to System Preferences, Security, and click "Open anyway".

If you run into any issues, please send the output log. In the binary builds, the output is saved to the following log files:
Windows: C:\Users\You\AppData\Local\Hobot's Ascent\output.log
macOS: /Users/You/Documents/Hobot's Ascent/output.log
Linux: /home/you/.local/share/Hobot's Ascent/output.log

Artwork by rdb and momojohobo using the GIMP
Animations by momojohobo using Blender 2.80
Programming by rdb using Panda3D
Original soundtrack and sound effects by momojohobo using FL Studio 12
All source assets are from public domain sources and all created assets are placed in the public domain.