The “A-Star, Schmay-Star award for the creative abuse of pathfinding” Award

Presented by flyingfox to:
Bane's befuddlement (Peter's thread snake) | |
Bane's Befuddlement Yet again. that annoying superhero has found and destroyed your secret lair. This time, you were prepared. Your trusty servant, Igor, has laid out a cunning maze leading to a secret underwater submarine that will allow you to flee without being caught. Of course, it would have been better if Igor had managed to get the map to you before things got compilcated, but the lack of a map is but a minor setback. Notes
Git repo: here This requires pygame 1.9.1 and kivy 1.6.0 The android zip file works with the kivy launcher - available here. It doesn't include the level editor, as I never tested it on android and it will likely break The windows zip file is an all-in-one bundle including kviy. It should be enough to just unzip it and run the included bat file, although this has only been lightly tested. |