Game Development Resources (updated 2018-12-09)
The following are resources you might find useful in developing games:- PyWeek Help
- How to be Successful at PyWeek and some Game Development Tips & Tricks
- How to fail at PyWeek (slides)
- PyGame wiki chock full of tutorials, game resources, distribution advice and more.
- Big List of Indie Resources
- Big List of Game Design
- Game Mechanics Explorer
- Royalty free music by inkaudio
- Amit’s Game Programming Information contains a huge resource on game design and implementation
- Game Accessibility Guidelines
- A Whole Lot of PyGame Examples
- Libraries: pygame (pgu), pyglet (cocos2d), Kivy, pysfml, Albow,
pymunk (2d physics), Panda3D, lepton (particles!),
pysdl2-harness (make working with pysdl2 easier), ModernGL a PyOpenGL replacement, thorpy for pygame GUIs
- Random music generator
On frame rates, vsync and gameplay simulation.
Great video about good game design as illustrated by the Mega Man series (caution: contains swearing)
- Pyxeledit is a pixel art, tile map, tile set and sprite sheet editor of awesomeness. It's inspired by Pixothello but is improved in many ways (not the least of which is it's cross-platform.)
- Pixen is a really nice pixel art app for OS X but it doesn't have the same awesome tileset creation mode as Pyxeledit.
- A collection of links to game assets and various game-dev related tools.Here's a list of art asset creation tools
- Pixel art tutorials
Turns out you can do most things with asynchronous Python and SVG! Turberfield utilities library (docs, demo).
- Icons for eveything - royalty free icons (over 1 million, it claims)
- /r/gamedev often has free game assets and other resources (though much of the content is about money using games).
If you have anything you think should be added to this list, please let me know in a comment!
When you're ready to promote your game, here's some tips on making an entertaining and engaging video game trailer.
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This article is probably one of the most useful I've ever read and is great for evaluating whether a game idea is good or not in advance.
And if you're interested in game development or the industry around it, you need to watch all of this:
Just all of it.
[Mekire's github](
So, um, I've been working on, recentlyish, a multiplayer data synchronization layer to make seamless and transparent data-model synchronization possible. It just lets you kind of just "check in" objects to keep synced to a server that sends those changes to all clients on background threads.
Is anyone interested in me polishing that up to redistributable quality for next pyweek?
Please add Teamups
Can you add my pysdl2 harness?
pysdl2-harness, it is just some simple classes to make working with pysdl2 easier. Somewhat inspired by pyglet and trying to hide all the "ugly" stuff of SDL2 and mainly focused in the type of 2D games I like ;).
It is pretty much a work in progress, but I'm getting close to make a first release. I'm making an example game with it and implementing any feature I think it needs./p>
I made a first (accidental) public release and now harness is on PyPi:
I Haven't finished the example game, but I think it is small and simple enough to grasp it without too much trouble.
I may add things in the future (and contributions are welcome!), but so far I think it hast mostly what I would need to make a simple 2D game.
I've been working a lot recently on how to make interactive hypertext games without all that tedious mucking about in Javascript. Turns out you can do most things with asynchronous Python and SVG!
Here's a link to the Turberfield utilities library:
Docs are here (since early April):
Also a blog article with a bit more background:
And a demo of asynchronous Python + web SVG:
I know it's not everyone's idea of a game environment, but if you fancy giving this approach a go, I'll be available during PyWeek to give technical support.
In Pyweek 21 we made much use of Red Blob Games, which has superb interactive tuto
Here is the documentation.
I prepared some examples:
Please feel free to contribute.
I frequently use thorpy ( to make GUI for my games with pygame.
Also, I'm developing PyMap2d for generation and rendering of 2d maps. Depending on the theme of the next challenge, I may use it. You can find the code with 3 examples maps at
No, Poly is great. Browsing from the front page it shows a lot of tours and Tilt Brush junk, but if you search you can find loads of low-poly CC-BY models. eg.
mit-mit got several of the models from The Desert And The Sea from Google Poly.
Pixel Prospector's Indie Resources