Small piece of a maze.

Rainbow Rooms

Solve mazes with the help or hindrance of colored doors.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.2
Fun: 3.3
Production: 3
Innovation: 3.2

30% respondents marked the game as not working.
1% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 9


File Uploader Date
Updated, post-competition version, with bugfixes, improvements, and (hopefully) Mac, Linux64, and Python3 compatibility.
eswald 2012/10/02 23:31
Rainbow Rooms 1.0.0, with libtcod for Linux or Windows
eswald 2012/09/16 04:26
Small piece of a maze.
eswald 2012/09/16 01:30

Diary Entries

Closing thoughts

My original roguelike idea proved too large for one week, particularly given that I hadn't yet programmed anything similar.  On Wednesday, I thought up this maze idea.

Sadly, my early-week work on seamless level transitions didn't make it into the final submission, because my maze generator doesn't yet know how to handle multi-level mazes.  In the last few hours, it was either that or the colored doors, and the latter are essential for following the theme.

I would also have liked to put in a few sound effects, particularly for finishing the level, and a couple of counters for steps taken and switches flipped per level.

That said, there's something compelling about solving the mazes, with or without the doors.

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Post-competition version

I have uploaded a new version of Rainbow Rooms.  This one adds support for Python 3, 64-bit Linux, and (hopefully) OS X, while still supporting Python 2.6+, 32-bit Linux, and (probably) Windows.

I have also fixed the level-generation bugs.  It always terminates quickly, and there should always be a way to the goal.  It can still prevent you from going back to the starting point, though.

For those who had fun with the original, this one promises a bit more challenge.  The new maze generator tries to hide switches when it can, and each maze is longer than the last, no matter how long you play.  Yes, that means that the seamless height transitions are in, starting on level 6.

For those who didn't; sorry.  There's nothing spectacularly different about this one.  I have a few ideas, though...