Screenshot of game so far (need to add character designs)


A game about two British squares that hate each other. They meet at a station on the London Underground (AKA the Tube) and decide to settle their differences the hard way.


Just the right amount of knives
Presented by coffee

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.6
Fun: 2.4
Production: 2.4
Innovation: 2.9

30% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 7


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I, The King, have merged my part of the code with Xrunfun's after he had to go, this is the actual FINAL code from our project
TheKing 2024/03/23 22:19
Our game - two players only, WAD keys for Player 1 (yellow), JIL/486(number pad) for Player 2 (blue). Escape to pause, then escape to resume or return to restart the game.
Xrunfun 2024/03/23 20:55
Screenshot of game so far (need to add character designs)
Xrunfun 2024/03/23 18:05
Gameplay code (End of Day 2)
Xrunfun 2024/03/18 21:13

Diary Entries

Day 1

Day 1 got off to a great start.

We came up with a cool idea and started throwing together some prototyping and bits of code. 

Artwork is already being worked on and all in all the coding is going great!!


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Day 2

Basic game code created.

Nothing too much, just fall physics and basic movement mechanics.

Meanwhile, TheKing has been creating a menu screen.

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Day 3 (late)

Forgot to post diary entry yesterday.

Not that it really matters: the only work done was some hitbox detection.

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Day 4

SirBilby extended the hitboxes feature to include health for each character, which I then extended further to add a knockback effect.

TheKing is attempting to rewrite some of the code to include functions and classes - godspeed, mate.

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Day 6

SirBilby created a system of multiple weapons. Additionally, he made some graphics.

I added modifiers to attack effects depending on the weapons used.

TheKing gave up trying to convert the code into classes and functions.

Overall, a pretty good day.

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Day 7

We’ve (almost) finished.

Two of the three members (including me) in our group have decided to step back from the project due to life events, with the third soon stepping back as well.

The game is far from polished, but is at least adequate in gameplay and somewhat fun - especially with a friend.

Several features, such as player 2 ai and sound, weren’t finished in time. Maybe after PyWeek we’ll finish the game fully, but we won’t be able to within the time limit.

Good luck all.

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The End?

First and last diary entry of pyweek. I had randomly found about this game jam when I joined python's discord a few weeks ago, just to see if it would be useful in my journey. When I heard about it I asked a school mate to join me in an attempt to make a game as we had both been independently learning pygame, he was up for it and here we are. This is my experience of pyweek (won't be mentioning the progress Xrunfun and SirBilby made, that's for them to publish)

Day 1: We were hoping for petri dish to win the votes but alas it was boring, old "tube". Of course, being british ourselves, we decided to base our game off of the London underground! We'd agreed to make a 2d top down style game as Xrunfun had some code he thought he could change to fit that style. Meanwhile, I started building a basic menu system for the project as I had done so before in another game

Day 2: Continued working on that menu system. Turned out the 2d top down style was unexpectedly difficult to implement properly as none of us were experienced with it so instead decided to go with my idea for a street fighter like game. Also continued debating about the overall plan for the game, making sure it would be perfect.

Day 3: Was mostly busy this day, did little work on the menu stuff.

Day 4: After looking at Xrunfun's latest code I felt it was too messy and disorganised as he did not know how to use classes and functions. This led me to begin trying to convert his code into something more manageable by using classes for some of the code for the players. Otherwise I did a bit of work on the menu but wasn't a very productive day.

Day 5: I had come up with a very rudimentary plan for how the screen for the main game would look and made some suggestions for how the train would move across the screen (don't think anyone actually used it or was able to). I almost completed converting Felix's code into classes and functions.

Day 6: After finishing converting Xrunfun's code, I thought it looked good, perfect even, but turned out there was a game-breaking bug which I could not fix no matter what I tried. Occasionally I wonder what caused it and if I pick this project up again after this is over I might try having another shot at it.

Day 7: The Mad Scramble! After 1 last hopeless hour of trying to fix the bug I gave up. Instead I focused my efforts on finishing my part of the code (the menu system). I got most of my plan completed and in my opinion it looks superb! I spent another 2 hours merging it with Xrunfun's code and making some final touches. 

Overall this was a fun challenge! We knew we would never win, having seen veteran coders build incredible 3d games with path-tracking and other various wonders. For just a few novices with limited time due to dreadful exams, I would say we did quite well and I would like to thank Xrunfun and SirBilby for their tremendous help - without them I'd likely not had the motivation nor the time to get even this far in the project!

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Incredible Fun - Pyweek 37: Looking Back

This has been super fun. 

When we started this challenge we went into it not expecting to do very well. Three school kids with busy lives up against a bunch of experienced programmers with tons of free time? No way. 

But for me, it was never about the winning. Rather, it was about the experiences along the way. Programming and computer science is my passion and learning pygame has long since been a goal of mine, so the knowledge I have gained and the experiences along the way  have been priceless. It’s been incredible fun and I hope to do it again next time!! 

And hey - for a first ever game jam…I think we did pretty well! You’ve gotta start somewhere, and the only way from here is up…

- SirBilby signing off..for now…

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