It's that time of the month...

Monthly Visitor

What kind of werewolf are you? Will you feast on villagers, or live as a hermit in the woods? Construct barriers between the evil within you and those you love, or allow your other side to pick them off one by one?

Note: If you see a black screen instead of a game on WIndows, please install the Microsoft DirectX Runtime. If you see garbled textures instead of a game, apologies; I'm still looking into this.


Hunter and Collector: A journey with bite
Presented by IttyBTKitty

Give this entry an award


Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.3
Fun: 3.3
Production: 3.3
Innovation: 3.4

63% respondents marked the game as not working.
1% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 7


File Uploader Date
Windows .exe
alex 2013/09/08 04:42
Source code
alex 2013/09/07 23:15
It's that time of the month...
alex 2013/09/07 23:11
Source code
alex 2013/09/07 18:41