Why oh why is there no shading?

Hi! I have a newbie opengl question....

I have shading on non textured objects (the green box in the screen shot)

But once I texture it, the shading goes away... Im obviously missing some magical opengl command. :-/ *sigh*

(also note that the first object not being textured is another bug, but it just happens to help illustrate the problem :)

I did find a refernce to GL_LIGHT_MDOEL_COLOR_CONTROL, but that doesnt seem to be in my pyopengl library... hmm.

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Well I solved the 'not loading the texture on the first object' problem. Silly typo.

I give up on the shading. :)

(I wonder if its because im using software rendering?)

Try this:

Call this function in initialization code (may not be necessary; seems to be the default):


Then set the material properties of the to white, for example:


You may set specular color if you wish. The GL_LIGHT_MODE_COLOR_CONTROL thingie doesn't affect anything; it only changes a detail of specular component calculation.

Hope this helps.



and its all happy! I obviously missed that on my many trips through the opengl book. :)

Whoohoo! :) You totally rock! Thanks!

Ah! All better now..... thanks aerojockey

Go korgie!