Poor entry packaging and disqualification
Something that disappoints me about a lot of entries to PyWeek is that they don't spend the small effort required to have someone else test their game or write a nice README listing how to get the game going: dependencies, which file to run, the controls, etc.A recurring issue we have in the challenge is that a lot of entries aren't runnable on some people's computers, for various reasons (can be as simple as documentation). We have the additional problem that non-game-hacker types come along and download a selection of games only to find they don't work (and then promptly give up thinking what a terrible platform we must be working with).
The rules currently state that entries should include "instructions about how to run the entry" and I'm considering changing this to must. I think it's that important that if you can't get a game to run* then that game should be a disqualification vote.
The challenge is a week long. I have trouble believing that people couldn't find some time to have friend(s) (including us other challengers) try out the game during that week.
*: note that I don't care whether the game is "complete" ... just that it should be possible for a 3rd party to get the game working.
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The number of entries which are just a directory of py files and you have to see if its game.py or main.py or run.py or foo.py
that sounds very helpful. a setup.py file with relevant stuff for py2exe and py2app would be good too.
lib/data.py could be a lazy weakref'd proxy which loads files when they are first referenced, and unloads them when the last reference disappears... just an idea :-)
Suggestions welcome - especially from someone with py2exe / py2app / etc experience.
OTOH you can do whatever you like, just know that if you don't use the skellington and you leave out some critical part, or whatever, then you'll get no pity :)
The intention of the data and lib dirs, and the data.py module, is to encourage good game layout for beginners.
Thanks for the patch, Alex. Have updated the dowload to version 1.1
(Incidentally, I haven't seen a good workaround for this: sys.argv[0] can be tricked by a shortcut... any way to discover the .exe location on a py2exe'd app?)
This is actually only a problem for finding the data directory: setuptools requires us to give the import path for packages anyway, so there is no need for sys.path hackery on a py2exe'd app.
py2app doesn't exhibit this problem (because the files really do exist on the filesystem, unlike the py2exe'd archive contents).
It would be neat if we could have a few people for each platform to handle builds for that platform for other developers who don't have access. If packaging doesn't cut into the week, I'd be happy building windows or linux builds for people. But I don't know anyone with a mac, and the mac's at University are too locked down to install all of the stuff I would need. So I have no way to build for OSX.
I really think as a community we need something like pybuildbot, but for packaging python applications. You would add your source to an svn account, and it would build an executable for the defined platform, maybe letting you select a few options and with some standard way to organize things. Then when you commit new updates, it builds again. You can have testers log on and download the binaries to test them and add tickets to trac on things that go wrong. Obviously it would be a huge project, but it sure is a nice dream.
I'm not saying this needs to be done for every platform, because everybody doesn't have access to all three major platforms, let alone all of their different versions. I am saying that you need to provide instructions for at least one platform (the one that they're using), because if you provide no instructions at all, or just a binary version, it's going to be hard if not impossible for people to get your game to work on their platform of choice.
rename_me/ (instructions will tell people to rename this to something sensible)
README.txt (including sections for description, controls, requirements, license, ...)
lib/ (contains all game code)
lib/main.py (contains function "main" invoked by run_game.py)
lib/data.py (contains helper function to load data files from the data directory)
data/ (contains all game data)
Is there anything else that would be good to include? Are there any comments from those who have recently used py2exe and/or py2app and/or any Linux packagers that would affect the layout above? Should the above include a setup.py (or whatever is used by py2exe/py2app for building)?
I think overall its a good idea, but i would dislike it if it were a must.
I would prefer it though if my data folder was on the same level as my actual game, ie you lib folder, and maybe rename the lib folder to resources or something.
I'll probably still use the skellington, then move the data folder inside lib.
I'm just glad I wont be penalized for doing that ;)
import os.path
libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'lib')
sys.path.insert(0, libdir)
import os
basedir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
basedir = os.getcwd()
libdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basedir, 'lib'))
sys.path.insert(0, libdir)
Skellington 1.6
I *strongly* recommend that if your entry depends on anything other than python+pygame+pyopengl make a binary of your game for either win32 or macosx. (Both is better!)
I tend to prefer to play games, not have an execise in system administration and troubleshooting. (In pyweek #3, I judged only 1/2 entries because of inability to get 'em working.)
And, even if your game uses just python+pygame+pyopengl, I'd still rec. building binaries - more people will try your entries who aren't "python users". This will gain more public interest in the contest results, since anyone could play the games without spending an hour installing python and other junk.
Just so you know, if you "know" py2exe and py2app, you should put aside about two hours for each. If you don't know them, put aside about six hours for each.
I don't know if this is in the rules, but I think it would be nice if people didn't have to have their binaries submitted by the deadline - just source, but had the option of submitting binaries for people to download afterwards - since sometimes they can be a bit of trouble to put together.