"One is enough" for the Pyweek 4 warmup week
The theme for the Pyweek 4 warmup week is "One is enough". The "official" deadline is next Friday, March 23rd, 14:00 GMT, but the warmup isn't really about deadlines, so don't worry if you miss it. Happy hacking!(log in to comment)
I'll set up svn+trac for anyone who wants it, email me at saluk64007@gmail.com
My site is set up at http://dev.spinheaddev.com/one_is_enough
My project's set up at the blaze site. Believe it or not what's there already was done in two days. Here's a screenshot:
We could host a download/about page.
Sure, send it to me and I'll set up a wiki page for you.
I'm going for a bouncy-ball-enemies, that slowly grow and split apart, that you have to destroy before time goes out or hold at only one ball for a set amount of time.
The only difference is mine is 3d ;)
Tsumdadum, here's my warmup entry:
The page currently has only the Windows binaries for alpha 0.11, but I'll add Python source code there soon. Development will probably continue too with a continuous stream of enemies, more interaction and scoring.
python setup.py py2exeto build your windows binary you can use the option "-b" and value "1" to bundle everything possible into your library.zip. Also, in your setup script you can add the paramater to the setup function
zipfile=Nonewhich will bundle right into your .exe instead of using the library.zip. This will keep your "dist" directory cleaner and also makes it easier on people trying to look for your README.txt or whatever.
P.S. My entry is coming, I just need to find some of that elusive spare time. :P
I fear though that I wont be able to finish in the next, what is it, 3 hours?
Oh well, its been a blast, I cant wait for the *real* compo :D
here is the dl link :P
New site :P
I think its all bug-free, but it has only been tested on windows, sorry :/
The game will now set a default "max_enemies" value :P
Version 1.1:
And some extra levels, un-zip them and place them into the games levels folder.
Woah, that was close, 2 minutes to go ;)
Actually back when I was trying to make one button controls I had something that could maybe have been considered a game.
I'm still figuring out if I'm going to complete this or not. If anyone would be interested in seeing that let me know because people's opinions are a big motivator.
In run_game.py, should 'libdir' be made into an absolute path, e.g.:
libdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bin'))
I had a bit of trouble running Hectigo's skellington-based game unless I did this, because it changes directory (os.chdir) when the main module is imported. With this change, it works perfectly. (I am using Linux).
pekuja on 2007/03/16 14:16:
When you finish warming up, please post a link on this thread or make your own diary entry. I don't know whether Richard is ok with people uploading their warmup files on pyweek.org, so I suggest using your own webspace if possible. If you don't have any, contact me or post a note here on pyweek.org. I'm sure we'll figure something out. :-)