"One is enough" for the Pyweek 4 warmup week
The theme for the Pyweek 4 warmup week is "One is enough". The "official" deadline is next Friday, March 23rd, 14:00 GMT, but the warmup isn't really about deadlines, so don't worry if you miss it. Happy hacking!(log in to comment)
I'll set up svn+trac for anyone who wants it, email me at saluk64007@gmail.com
My site is set up at http://dev.spinheaddev.com/one_is_enough
My project's set up at the blaze site. Believe it or not what's there already was done in two days. Here's a screenshot:
We could host a download/about page.
Sure, send it to me and I'll set up a wiki page for you.
I'm going for a bouncy-ball-enemies, that slowly grow and split apart, that you have to destroy before time goes out or hold at only one ball for a set amount of time.
The only difference is mine is 3d ;)
Tsumdadum, here's my warmup entry:
One is enough.
The page currently has only the Windows binaries for alpha 0.11, but I'll add Python source code there soon. Development will probably continue too with a continuous stream of enemies, more interaction and scoring.
P.S. My entry is coming, I just need to find some of that elusive spare time. :P
Windows build
I fear though that I wont be able to finish in the next, what is it, 3 hours?
Oh well, its been a blast, I cant wait for the *real* compo :D
here is the dl link :P
New site :P
I think its all bug-free, but it has only been tested on windows, sorry :/
The game will now set a default "max_enemies" value :P
Version 1.1:
And some extra levels, un-zip them and place them into the games levels folder.
Woah, that was close, 2 minutes to go ;)
Actually back when I was trying to make one button controls I had something that could maybe have been considered a game.
I'm still figuring out if I'm going to complete this or not. If anyone would be interested in seeing that let me know because people's opinions are a big motivator.
In run_game.py, should 'libdir' be made into an absolute path, e.g.:
libdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'bin'))
I had a bit of trouble running Hectigo's skellington-based game unless I did this, because it changes directory (os.chdir) when the main module is imported. With this change, it works perfectly. (I am using Linux).