Eclipsed - entry submitted
My game is submitted!It requires pygame, pyopengl, and numpy. (If you're on Ubuntu check out this post I made for installing tons of dependencies at once - some good info in the responses too.) I haven't used pyopengl since PyWeek 10, but the gameplay this time really called for 3D so I went for it.

Other than that, I don't have much to say. Just making this post so that people with bug reports have a place for them. Enjoy!
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Looks like it's due to a bug in python 2.7.3. Fortunately it's an easy fix in this case. Delete the file data/graphics.pkl. The first time you run the game, it might take a minute or two to load because it's remaking all the graphical models. After that it should load quickly, though.
Let me know if that doesn't work. Thanks for trying the game!
Looks like you're doing really advanced stuff. Perhaps I don't have the right library versions.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in <module>
File "src/", line 29, in main
s.think(tdt, pygame.event.get(), pygame.key.get_pressed())
File "src/scenes/", line 127, in think
File "src/", line 157, in think
File "src/", line 114, in arrive
File "src/", line 341, in receive
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
to this:
if self in state.stuff: state.stuff.remove(self)
After I did: if self in state.stuff: state.stuff.remove(self)
If you don't think that's it, please post your entire file (on pastebin or wherever) exactly as it is and I'll take a look.
A lot of OpenGL is unfamiliar to me, so it's very possible that I made a mistake. I pretty much just tried stuff until it worked. Basically all I do as far as depth is concerned is put this at the beginning of the draw loop:
And then this when it's time to draw the HUD:
I also had to replace the call to pygame.surfarray.pixels3d() with a call to pygame.surfarray.array3d(). I'm not sure if the pixels_alpha() call on the next line also needs replacing with the array equivalent, but I did it anyway.
cyhawk, this might sort out your issues as well.
Add this line to just before the pygame.display.set_mode() call:
The worse thing is I cannot get rid of them, since when I run the game again the error comes again in about 1 second... That means I had better correct that then just erasing my saves (can happen again)...