Python game code swap: submit here

This is the submission thread for the informal Python game code swap. I don't know if there's still interest in this, but I'm going to do it. I'll write a small game and submit it, by this Sunday, 30 Oct. If you want in, just do the same. I'll review everyone's code and try to give you feedback, and if you want to do the same with mine, please do!

Here's my original list of guidelines, but here's a better, shorter list:
  • Write a small python game that can be understood and judged in 1-2 hours. Aim for 500 lines of readable code.
  • Submit your game by Sunday 30 Oct by posting a download link in this thread.
  • This is not a contest, just an opportunity for feedback. "Judging" just means giving feedback.
  • You can judge even if you didn't submit anything.
  • If you do submit something that you want people to judge, please reciprocate and judge other people's code.