tetris main theme - Korobeiniki

"Tetris main theme" is a russian folk song. I hope that i can use the "tetris main theme"  downloaded from internet.

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That does not make all versions of it free to use for everyone, the specific interpreter still holds rights to its version and has to allow you to use it.
That's true, you should try to find a free-to-use (eg, Creative Commons) version of Korobeiniki. If someone just recorded it from the video game, they probably don't have right to let you use it.
Grab a microphone and hum it yourself! No better way to give your game a personal touch :).
@cyhanw XD i was thinking in that idea too. Hey... im going to try it.
Also i can get a Korobeiniki midi and render it into a file with Jack+qsynth+rosegarden+timemachine.