Playing Blobjob

Hey all, recently gcewing had some problems playing blobjob on MacOSX 10.4 on PPC, is there anyone else using this os that tried blobjob? did it work?

We have tested it and it works on linux and windows, for instructions on how to install you can also check the post-pyweek project page on:

If you have any problem playing please let me know.

Thank you

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it seems that blobjob requires some extra opengl extensions some drivers don't provide. (my laptop videocard for example)
it does need opengl (through pyglet), but I'm not aware of any particular requirement, it's cocos2d 0.3.1beta using pyglet 1.1.4, tested on python 2.5 and 2.6 on nvidia cards / linux and ati on win+linux
Just make sure your graphics drivers are up to date. Not having them up to date is one of the most frequent causes of bug reports to the pyglet project ;-)