We're back and sexy

Hello again! Since I've had no contact with the other team members for a while, I took the liberty of once again registering our entry. Hopefully, all of us will be able to spend a week coding (September is on the start of the semester, so the schoolwork will not be critical. Probably.)
I will register a google code project soon.

Oh, and yeah: We were thinking of designing a game library prior to the competition this time, to get rid of the icky details (tile engine. Uuuh...!). We haven't started yet, though.

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Hehe, good luck, we're trying to get our lib finished here too. Remember, you only have 1 week now to finish it, before the month before deadline ;)
@RB[0]: Two weeks! Competition starts on Sep-7. Plenty of time. :-)
Yeah, I'm just confusin' everyone by running it in the second week of Sept this time :)
Oh, and before you write your own tile engine I highly recommend you look at some existing ones. In particular the engine I added to the cocos2d library, which I believe is quite good :)
LOL Well, that certainly gives me some more time...