PyWeek3 - System Capabilities

Select items from the following list that match your system's capabilities.
Polling is closed. There were 360 respondents. OpenGL: 46 votes 1+ GB RAM (select one): 28 votes DirectX: 26 votes 2+ GHz CPU (select one): 24 votes Linux (select primary): 23 votes Windows (select primary): 22 votes Intel: 18 votes Also have Windows: 18 votes Hardware Shaders (select one): 17 votes 1+ GHz CPU (select one): 15 votes AMD: 15 votes Also have Linux: 15 votes 512+ MB RAM (select one): 14 votes Hardware Shaders v3.0 (select one): 12 votes AMD 64 (running 64-bit OS): 11 votes Multiple monitors: 10 votes 3+ GHz CPU (select one): 8 votes 256+ MB RAM (select one): 8 votes Intel dual-core: 6 votes PowerPC: 6 votes Also have Mac OS X: 6 votes Mac OS X (select primary): 5 votes True SMP (multiple CPUs): 3 votes AMD dual-core: 2 votes gp2x console: 1 votes Nokia 770: 1 votes Intel 64 (running 64-bit OS): 0 votes Winner: OpenGL!