The best-looking art in any of my games is always ripped off of Wikimedia Commons

Team Zankar III - The Other Revenge

This time, it's also personal


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The best-looking art in any of my games is always ripped off of Wikimedia Commons
atiaxi 2007/09/02 03:29

Diary Entries

The Time Twister

I've decided on how I'm going to implement the theme. It's a 2D, top-down puzzle/adventure game called The Time Twister. You have to shut down a supercritical reactor in only five minutes and that's nowhere near enough time. Luckily you have the Time Twister, which can take you (and, more importantly, your possessions) back in time to save the day!

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I'm out

Hi all, I've enjoyed pygame the last two times I've done it, but this time the magic is missing! I think part of it is that my current project is turning out too much like my last one, and I'm reinventing the wheel :) In conclusion, see you all next time!