PyWeek - Universe Factory 24 - feedback

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4 5 4

Really nice game. Loved the graphics and the animation. The mechanics of the jump worked very
well and were very well explained by the tutorial and initial level design. The overall feel to
the game was very consistent. I loved the text scrolling by as part of the game. Very good stuff!

4 4 4

Nicely done all around! Infinite runner game. The twist: although the graphics make it look
like objects moving in parallax, you can run on objects as if the world were squashed to 2D (like
"Canabalt" meets "Crush" for the PSP). And if something is behind another thing, it ceases to
be collidable and you'll fall through it. High production values--your character is made
from basic shapes, but is animated smoothly. Great art and sound. Not exactly tied in to the
theme; it gets the word "behind", but neither "they're" or "everything" ;-) I found the
controls a little frustrating; I'd press Jump, and then there'd be a beat, and then the
character would jump. Or maybe instead he'd fall because I apparently pressed jump too late. I
feel like just a little tuning for the controls / character speed would clear this right up, and
then this game would be pretty awesome!

2 4 2

Cute animations.

4 5 4

flawless production as usual this game was playing tricks on my brain... character was never
allowed to be behind anything even if the perspective indicated so

3 4 3

The game is nice and complete. Unfortunately, I find the game a bit repetitive. Also, as usual
in this kind of games, I had difficulties finding the edges of the plate-forms, with the
feeling that the character was reaching the edge but still clipping through. The
presentation and generation of the graphics are really nice (but when my laptop is a bit busy,
it's a bit laggy).

4 5 4

Fun! I was so bad at this game at first so super appreciative of the auto-saving. I liked the use
of the theme. The procedural graphics are amazing :) … I’ll be sitting down for hours going
through the code to figure out how you did this.

5 4 4

Magnificent job :) I love the mechanics and the visuals.

4 4 4

You seem to have an inexhaustible supply of clever ideas. I especially like that primitive
renderered avatar. I looked at your code. I think I looked away in time to avoid permanent brain
damage! :)

4 4 4

I completed the tutorial stage, and ran some meters on the free mode.

3 5 1

Did a nice job, it's kind of addicting, because it's so hard (Like, way over the top hard.). I
don't know what this had to do with the theme though... Overall, it was great!

3 4 3

This game is pretty good. Its an endless runner game, so not particularly innovative, but
there was a twist, and it was fun

4 4 4

This is a fun game, and the technical achievements here are impressive. The style, including
the PC animations, floating parallax words, and fog/cloud, are pretty. I think the game lacks
content, however.