Fireballs at terrified villagers

Underworld Kerfuffle


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 1.8
Fun: 1.5
Production: 2.3
Innovation: 1.7

7% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 12


File Uploader Date
Underworld Kerfuffle
vwood 2013/04/21 01:35
Fireballs at terrified villagers
vwood 2013/04/20 23:46
Peasants and a Knight, chasing me
vwood 2013/04/20 22:53
Still not much gameplay
vwood 2013/04/20 21:17

Diary Entries


Well, I didn't very far. Certainly a lot of development happened in the last frenzied hours. 

PyInstaller didn't work on windows with pygame. Wasted hours trying to get that work. Not that I expected much from windows, or python packaging. I ended up using someone's py2exe script. It worked fine on linux though. 

So much stuff got missed out, proper collision hulls, collisions between entities, sound beyond the fireballs, actual gameplay, proper controls...

If only the rules didn't require you to start from scratch. Re-implementing things I've already done was a huge pain. Either that, or not having a life-sucking full-time job. If you are going to try 'playing' it, I'd suggest using a gamepad, as effort behind mouse + keyboard was mostly dropped as soon as I got that working.