PyWeek - Hectic Game Development 2 - feedback

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3 3 3

Interesting twisted idea!

3 2 4

1 3 3

could not test it in multiplayer. and it had no ai, so it was not fun!

3 3 3 yes

Got error:

Error: Could not connect to server
Server: Running

Then wouldn't respond and had to be killed (-9).

1 1 1 yes

game got stuck pretty fast after i twisted..
no traceback, sorry

2 3 3 yes

90% of the times the game would hang up when starting either in single player mode or hosting or
joining a network game. I got to play it maybe once, but wasn't very interesting playing solo.

1 1 1 yes

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Downloads\pyweek\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\", line 16, in <modul
File "C:\Downloads\pyweek\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 27, in main
File "C:\Downloads\pyweek\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 71, in parse_
file_path = os.path.join(get_config_path(), "config.txt")
File "C:\Downloads\pyweek\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 52, in get_co
WindowsError: [Error 3] The system can not find the given path: '%USE

1 1 1 yes

When trying to connect to the server:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in <module>
File "/home/roberto/Desktop/Pyweek 5 entries/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 77, in main
if (input_addr != None):
NameError: global name 'input_addr' is not defined

2 3 4

A little confusing.

3 3 3

( This game's major failing is that single player mode seems to be broken. It makes it hard to try out properly. AI is difficult of course but maybe with an AI interface and some simple exampoles and people can write their own AIs.

1 1 1 yes

When I try to join a multiplayer I get this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in <module>
File "/home/ceronman/Desktop/pyweek5_finals_part1/hectic2/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 77, in main
if (input_addr != None):
NameError: global name 'input_addr' is not defined

And the single player mode doesn't work.

3 3 3 yes

I could not host nor connect to a game; and when I tried, the process would hang and I'd have to kill it with signal 9.

1 2 3

maybe good idea, but unexplored: alone game is pretty boring, and after the first game it never worked again: (NameError: global name 'sock' is not defined

1 2 2

The AI never moved in single player, but I could imagine this game being fun multiplayer.

3 3 3 yes

Didn't try to play against someone.

1 1 1 yes

Level hash: 20cd8589b00db16c523773cc10c052fe
Read level data
Created faction: white
Created faction: black
Created base: white
Created base: black
Created shrine: white
Created shrine: black
Created unit: paper for white
Created unit: paper for black
Error: Could not connect to server
Server: Running

(plus had to kill -9 the process!)

2 2 2 yes

Server seemed to get hung.

1 2 2 yes

Resetting turn
New turn
Server: Round ending
Server: adding resources for faction white
Server: adding resources for faction black
New turn
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 16, in <module>
File "/home/ceportela/Desktop/pyweek/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 70, in main
File "/home/ceportela/Desktop/pyweek/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 165, in run
self.level.render(self.screen, self.offset_x, self.offset_y)
File "/home/ceportela/Desktop/pyweek/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 153, in render
self.selected_object.render_infobox(screen, self)
File "/home/ceportela/Desktop/pyweek/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 62, in render_infobox
buy_target = self.get_buy_target((self.x + 2, self.y + 1))
File "/home/ceportela/Desktop/pyweek/tubasc_robast-0.6.9/lib/", line 79, in get_buy_target
buy_target = self.occupier1.object_name

2 2 3

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Downloads\5\hectic2\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\", line 16, in <mo
File "C:\Downloads\5\hectic2\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 51, in mai
File "C:\Downloads\5\hectic2\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 165, in
self.level.render(self.screen, self.offset_x, self.offset_y)
File "C:\Downloads\5\hectic2\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 153, in r
self.selected_object.render_infobox(screen, self)
File "C:\Downloads\5\hectic2\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 62, in ren
buy_target = self.get_buy_target((self.x + 2, self.y + 1))
File "C:\Downloads\5\hectic2\tubasc_robast-0.6.9\lib\", line 79, in get
buy_target = self.occupier1.object_name
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'object_name'


3 4 4

I like the basic idea but when I tried to play on a local network we seemed to have some desync issues. I'm not sure about it though. It is a little disorienting that both players take their turns at the same time.

3 4 4

Nice idea but it did not run properly for me - it was not synchrone and I made moves my partner did not see - but she lost her units (lost her on my screen, on her screen the units remained but where not selectable anymore)... strange..

1 1 1 yes

Game wouldn't start for me

2 2 4

I like the concept, but something about this game just didn't grab me.

I think maybe it's the interface, I didn't find it intuitive enough. Or maybe it's the graphics. I'm not sure.

1 4 3 yes

Couldn't connect to another player even after the fix.

1 1 1 yes

I start singleplayer mode
(yes: no life, no friends)
but i obtain a large black box
and nothing more on screen.
("Server:Running" on console)

I have to taskkill -9 python to get
out of this.

4 1 4

<p>Production score is due to me having to go into the python files to make it work, as well as the lack of working network play (it seemed to work hotseat if you ran two instances on the same machine...). The GUI was pretty however, but no sound.

<p>Actually considering the game, I am a fan of strategy, and so I enjoyed it. Simple rules but lots of depth.

1 1 1 yes

Crashed when I tried to play single player or host a game. Had to kill -9 it.