PyWeek - 3E and T. ( The Furlaans) - feedback

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2 2 2

Had to rename Explosion.bmp to explosion.bmp to get it to work. Good effort but not my thing.

1 1 1

Don't like it at all :(

2 3 2

Had to rename explosion.bmp to get it to run on ubuntu (filenames are case sensitive)

2 3 1

I'd rather just play Moorhuhnjagd.

3 3 3

i guess there were levels reached whenever enough animals were killed? wasn't really sure
what was going on.

2 2 2

Not bad. Quite nice for a first pyweek, actually. :) Congratulations on finishing. (The
images look a bit messed up; remember to turn off antialias before exporting them, and don't
use white as transparency color if there's white in the image.)

4 4 2

I like the chararcters

3 3 3

not sure if I'm hitting the targets or not

1 2 1

Took a few shots then ran outta bullets, now what?

3 3 3 yes

Please consistently use lowercase letters in filenames. I needed to rename files under Linux. After fixing, it crashes on startup:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Lawn", line 293, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pygame/", line 313, in draw
self.spritedict[spr] = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect)
AttributeError: 'GroupSingle' object has no attribute 'spritedict'

3 2 1

Nice action, but gameover is rather sudden and unpredictable.

2 2 2

Boring and repetitive.

3 3 2

Quite nice for a first attempt. :)

2 2 2

Not much to hold one's interest.

1 2 1

Great that you can do this while in highschool but shooting gallery games are not very fun. Hope you learn from this experience and continue to learn how to make games.

2 1 2 yes

It did not work for me, i had to comment out some line.

it was making an exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\RandomGuest\Desktop\vladi\Lawn Defender\Lawn Defender\Lawn", line 293, in <module>
File "c:\python25\lib\site-packages\pygame\", line 313, in draw
self.spritedict[spr] = surface_blit(spr.image, spr.rect)
AttributeError: 'GroupSingle' object has no attribute 'spritedict'

1 1 1

I got 58800 points! I like that the precision is given in a high precision :).

3 2 2

Ah, nothing says "video game" quite like shooting innocent people and animals over and over again with a shotgun. Nice graphics, I like how everything is angry. Those moles (?) freaked me out. Welcome to Pyweek, I'm looking forward to your entries in the future!

2 1 1

3 2 2

Game Play was complicated, game over was too quick. No Menus Cannot replay... Overall i think it is one of the poorer entries. Good attempt though.

1 2 1

Well, not very original! But you finished it, well done!

2 1 2

I liked the art, but the game directory was a mess, there was no menu, and it just seemed not finished :S

3 3 2

no skellington usage? well it is not required, but prefered.
It was not clear if I hit the animal or not (they just disappeard and appeared at another location (huh?)

2 2 2

Not bad. It wasn't perfect but you did finish.

2 2 1

2 2 2 yes

1 2 1

Evidently written on a Windows machine - had to rename Explosion.bmp to be lowercase before it would work. Feedback minimal when you do shoot something - some sort of animation would of helped there.

3 3 3 yes

python Lawn\
non carica"explosion.bmp" Couldn't open explosion.bmp
macarse@MacaHome:~/Desktop/cripto/Lawn Defender$ mv Explosion.bmp explosion.bmp
macarse@MacaHome:~/Desktop/cripto/Lawn Defender$ python Lawn\
Sorry no audio.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Lawn", line 271, in <module>
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'play'

1 2 1

Really not my type of game. But I liked the background fence.

1 2 2

Very simple, in graphics and gameplay. Not bad for a first-timer.

Further, please make sure that you use the PyWeek skellington so that your images are not
messed up with *.py files [as you can see with the other games].

3 2 2

Sweet animations.