PyWeek - The FInal Huzzah - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
2 3 1

Dying is fun — unless it's the lousy platforming implementation that kills you. For example
getting stuck in a door and getting shot or running into an infinite loop in movePosition().
It's hard to score the art. It shows that it is lifted from various places because it does not
have a uniform style and is not put into the game neatly (try jumping while running for

5 5 5

Really well presented and fun to play, and I love the retro graphics. Nice one!

2 4 3

Game shows considerable promise, but feels like it needs more content and levels.

3 4 3

You should write down your dependencies in the readme! I tried python 2.6 first, then python
3.2 and the finally found out it only runs with python 2.7! You are lucky I tried all versions.

3 4 3

You could have used proper font in the instructions. It was difficult to read.

3 3 2

Once I read the instructions and learned that you can call the elevators, the game became
pretty straightforward. Simple puzzle, but interesting enough to make me want to win!

3 2 3

I like the game, it is a pity you didn't have more time to polish it during the week. congrats :)

4 4 1

I always love to see retro-feeling game.

5 5 5

Just awesome.

1 1 1 yes

Doesn't work on 2.6 adding Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 17, in
TestGame().start() File "", line 13, in start File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 262, in run
currentState.handle_event(event) File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib/", line 93, in handle_event File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 266, in handle_event
return [None], self.menu_items[self.selection].callback() File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib/", line 108, in new_game = File "/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib/",
line 61, in build uni.add(npc) File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 233, in add print "adding ",
thing File "/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 53, in
__repr__ return "<{}: \"{}\">".format(self.__class__.__name__,
ValueError: zero length field name in format And then Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 17, in TestGame().start() File "", line 13, in start
File "/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 262, in run
currentState.handle_event(event) File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib/", line 93, in handle_event File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 266, in handle_event
return [None], self.menu_items[self.selection].callback() File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib/", line 108, in new_game = File "/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib/",
line 286, in build level = fromTMX(uni, "start.tmx") File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/lib2d/", line 27, in fromTMX data =
tmxloader.load_tmx(area.mappath) File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/pytmx/", line 826, in load_tmx
return parse_map(map_node) File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/pytmx/", line 797, in parse_map l =
parse_layer(tmxdata, node) File
"/home/mat/Downloads/bitcraft-robots/pytmx/", line 707, in parse_layer
with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO(data)) as fh: AttributeError: GzipFile instance
has no attribute '__exit__'

3 3 2

nice game

4 4 3

Nice game! The lasers should have been visible. And it's not easy to push the robots on the
lifts. (You have to put the lift a bit under the floor level.)