PyWeek - daftspaniel3 - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
1 2 1

Not being able to move continuously seriously hurts this game. The graphics are questionable
too :). The terrain looks interesting, but I think it plays no role. And the jerky camera
movement further disorients. And why is the player not in the center? Etc.

2 2 2

3 3 3

An interesting game. Very much.

2 4 2

I like the landscape!

2 3 4

Not sure about the point. I get attacked immediately and die! Unfairly difficult!

3 3 3

too hard to play

2 2 2

Made okish, the controls were difficult because of the need for repeated keypresses

2 2 3

Urrrghhh the controls are a nightmare.

2 2 3

In my laptop, some faults in graphics (white packs disappeared when going closer and
martians, when death, where visibles in some part). Anyway is funny to play with so many
fingerx :-D it took me some time get used to this.

2 3 1

It was somewhat satisfying to discover I can consume the corpses of the fallen aliens, and it's
good for my health!

3 3 3

I like the field of red blocks. The keys are a bit unusual, but you get used to them. Maybe the
martians are a little too easy to predict. But I like the fact that the health packs only heal you
a bit, so you have to risk exploring the map to find more of them.

2 2 1

It very very hard to play this game :(

3 3 3

Some fun; nice sound effect. I had to source-dive to discover that I needed to hit Space at the
title screen. However, travelling too far ends the game: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 4, in main.main() File
line 78, in main g.MainLoop() File
line 152, in MainLoop self.MarsView3D.Render() File
line 62, in Render c = wo.map_data[TO+j][LO+k]*10 IndexError: list index out of range

3 1 3

Interesting game, but something strange with the graphic

1 1 1 yes

I tried several times but unfortunately I was not able to play. I would not set this as DNW, since
game starts... but I would not be able to set any fun/inno/prod rating since I can't play. I
didn't get any particular error, it is just freezed.

3 2 2

Art was quite stylish. In play, the grid-based level felt quite clunky. Overall, I couldn't
really see the point in continuing the genocide - needed more goals.

2 3 3 yes

I'm not seeing the "One Way Trip" theme, it's going around Mars & shooting aliens & healing
yourself. What's one-way? You can go both forwards & back, etc. Crashed after awhile (on a Mac)
Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 4, in main.main() File
line 78, in main g.MainLoop() File
line 152, in MainLoop self.MarsView3D.Render() File
line 62, in Render c = wo.map_data[TO+j][LO+k]*10 IndexError: list index out of range

2 2 1 yes

I know this review seems harsh, but I'm glad you learned a lot while making it.

1 2 2

The controls are too complicated!