A typical NPC

Trident Escape: The Dungeon of Destiny

Trident Escape: The Dungeon of Destiny is an game of exploring dungeons and fighting monsters in the vein of Zelda, Gauntlet or Deadly Rooms of Death. Thrill to the perils of your tiny piscine protagonist as she attempts to spear her foes with her trident and hurl them to their doom!


Deadliest Leading Mermaid
Presented by gcewing

4 out of 5 adventurers recommend trident
Presented by Cosmologicon

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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 4.0
Fun: 4.0
Production: 4.3
Innovation: 3.8

Respondents: 26


File Uploader Date
Final release
Martin 2010/08/29 00:25
A typical NPC
Martin 2010/08/29 00:17
A typical level
Martin 2010/08/29 00:16

Diary Entries

First day.

Drew some pictures. Most likely will do this every day.


Once again, its over

Well, we had a smaller team and less time this PyWeek than on any of our previous attempts, but by applying a series of ruthless efficiency savings to our cooking, cleaning and laundry programme, we managed to find enough time to put a game together.

Trident Escape: The Dungeon of Destiny is an game of exploring dungeons and fighting monsters in the vein of Zelda, Gauntlet or Deadly Rooms of Death. Thrill to the perils of your tiny piscine protagonist as she attempts to spear her foes with her trident and hurl them to their doom!

(Shortly after we finished development, it was pointed out to us that the game is also an eerily good fit for the theme of the most recent Ludum Dare. Spooky.)

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Trident Escape - problems with music

Barely an hour after release, we've had reports of a few people experiencing lock-ups when moving from one area of the game to another. We'll hopefully look into finding a proper solution soon, but in the meantime, if it's causing a problem for you, you may be able to work around it by deleting the music files from data/music. (If you don't want to play without the music, copy the files to your MP3 player!)

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