Flashlight man helping shooting man to combat the aweful zombies!

Byte - a Zombie Game

8 bullets, 8 zombies that want to bite you and a single flashlight... That you can't control.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.8
Fun: 2.5
Production: 2.9
Innovation: 3.2

13% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 13


File Uploader Date
8 bit biters.zipfinal
Final version.
Sveder 2014/05/17 22:58
8-Bit Biters EXE.zipfinal
py2exe version.
Sveder 2014/05/17 22:42
8-Bit Biters.zipfinal
Final game v1
Sveder 2014/05/17 21:48
Flashlight man helping shooting man to combat the aweful zombies!
Sveder 2014/05/17 21:33
zombie about to die
Sveder 2014/05/17 21:33
death is shameful (not really)
Sveder 2014/05/17 21:32
Life and bullet counter
Sveder 2014/05/17 21:32
There are two roles. And they can talk! Over the internets (kinda)
Sveder 2014/05/14 11:52
Placeholder art and everything - but most game systems are there
Sveder 2014/05/13 11:47

Diary Entries

8 Bit Biters - All You Need To Know!

All you want to know and more.
For questions, help running this, a server to connect to and anything else please email me at m@sveder.com!!!


This is my game for pyweek 18. It came from the idea that 8-bit is a lot like the word "bite" (it's also a byte, which is also a lot like that word). That of course led to zombies. I thought it might be nice to try a multiplayer game and it was indeed challenging. The main idea is there are two roles in this game - the flashlight and the gun. The flashlight player controls a flashlight that shows zombies under the dark mist of the world. The gun player controls the gun, but he only has unlimited amount of shots. The original idea was levels with various types of zombies, but of course only one zombie made it in, so because of time constraints it's an endless wave horde and it has a reload function.


TESTING NOTICE: This is a multiplayer game by nature. To run a server you'll probably need to configure your NAT (usually a router, for home users) to tunnel the selected port to your specific subnet-network ip. If you want to test it with me, FEEL FREE to email me at m@sveder.com and we'll work out a time. Alternatively, you can also test it locally by running the commands below, and opening two instances.
Open a terminal / console and "cd" to the game directory and run:

run_game.exe network_role game_role host port

where network role is: y - server
n - client
and game roles are: shooter, lighter
run_game.exe n shooter 8080
run_game.exe y lighter 8080

To test this locally, you can open two consoles and run these two commands each in its own console:
run_game.exe y shooter 8080
run_game.exe n lighter 8080
You'll get two instance running correctly you can move the mouse from one to the other and experience both terrifying roles :)


Shooter: Left Click the mouse button to shoot. Right click to reload.
Flashlighter: Move the mouse and try to find the zombie to help your friend.

One player is in control of the flashlight and is the one who can see the zombies coming. He should use the power of the amazing flashlight to help the other player spot the zombies and kill them, as the second player controls the shotgun. Work together and defeat the fearsome zombies! You probably can't, but still keep trying.

z - spawn zombie


The player rectangle is a bit bigger than it seems. It has a shadow but it's not visible.
Very rarely do zombies disappear or only appear on one of the instances.
Color keying for zombies sometimes sucks.

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