Things From Above

kid running

The story of a wibbly-wobbly kid, running around.

This is our first pyweek. SpaceBugman is doing the art, macrobe is doing the programming.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.4
Fun: 2.3
Production: 3.1
Innovation: 1.9

Respondents: 27


File Uploader Date
This version contains a few minor bug fixes done after the official deadline. Download this version, if you want to play this game for fun. For judging you should probably use RC01, though.
macrobe 2010/04/04 13:52
outtake #3
macrobe 2010/04/04 13:01
outtake #2
macrobe 2010/04/04 13:00
outtake #1
macrobe 2010/04/04 13:00
macrobe 2010/04/03 22:19
final release
macrobe 2010/04/03 22:07
public beta
first public beta; source only; requirements: python 2.6 and pygame
macrobe 2010/04/02 22:05
first screenshot
macrobe 2010/04/02 20:11
picture of our hero
macrobe 2010/04/01 22:27

Diary Entries

Where did the first five days of this week go?

Still a long way to go, but I already learned a ton of things this week. Like for instance:
  • one week can be really short, especially towards the end
  • even seemingly simple things can turn out to be quite complicated
  • motivation is no substitute for sleep
I'll upload some screenshots tomorrow (maybe even a first playable prototype)


first public beta release

a first public beta of our game is available: get it here
Source code only for now; requirements: python 2.6 and pygame.

Here's a screenshot from earlier today:

Basically, you move the kid around. Things are falling from the sky. Try collecting good things (chicken parts) while avoiding bad things (knives).

Originally, our plan was to do a platformer game, where everything is wobbly (player, enemies, maybe even the landscape). Soon we realized that we bit off more than we could chew. So we had to cut back on our ambitions and settle for this instead.

my to do list for tomorrow:
  1. include final artworks, as soon as I get them from SpaceBugman
    (if you are reading this, bug man: send! more! artwork! - now!)
  2. tweak some parameters in order to make this game fun and challenging
  3. get my hands on a computer with windows on it
  4. build packages for windows and mac

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Done, at last (source only, because I don't get how distutils is supposed to work - halp?)

We made it. It's done. Go grab it while it is still hot!

This is a source only release, I'm afraid.

I couldn't get distutils to work for some reasons. It wouldn't add the image files to the package.

Can anyone tell me how you are supposed to configure your setup script to add additional files?
(not that it would help me for this challenge anymore, but it would be interesting to know)

1 comment


Here are some really awesome clouds.
Unfortunately, they didn't make it into the game anymore.


Big thanks again to the artist. You rock, bug man from space!

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