PyWeek - Bot Uprising - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
3 4 5

Was a very interesting idea fits ok with the theme but is a bit too difficult and finacy o be made
fun, it might be better if the shadow was controlled by the mouse

2 3 3

i found the controls difficult to use, but i think conceptually it could be a good game

2 4 3

too fast, at least for me, maybe I'm to slow

2 3 3

Decent enough game. Not really my genre of game, but no obvious issues with the gameplay.

2 3 3

The deflection seems completely broken to me - balls shoot off at any angle. Meanwhile the
shadow thing makes the game go very very slow. I like the concept, especially if there were more
destructible components.

2 2 3

It took me some time to figure out what to do.

3 3 2

Fun to play, but could not relate to the theme.

3 2 4

Cool concept, quite a bit of fun. Controls were nice and smooth. Collision detection appeared
to often fail to detect bullets passing through the deflector which made game play a bit
annoying (which was a pity because otherwise the game looked quite fun).

2 3 4

Difficult to control and there was no in game explanation of the controls. With the shadow on,
it was impossible.

3 3 3

Not bad! It is a bit low on content — levels, boss fights, upgrades, etc would increase the "fun"
score. But just the bare bones implementation is entertaining as well. The game becomes
jittery when the arm is not horizontal, so I mostly just kept it that way. Fixing that and adding
prettier graphics would increase the "production" score. Music would help as well! Killing
stuff by reflecting stuff is a good game mechanic but coming up with more like that would be
needed to push "innovation" higher.

2 2 2

Nice tackle the rotating and reflecting algorithm!

2 3 4

Nice gameplay concept, but it needs a lot of polishing.

3 3 4

good idea but too much difficult

3 3 3

it run

4 4 4

Reflection can be strange and glitchy at times.