First game preview screenshot. This shows the idea of the game board. To be added is a control panel to the right, and of course some characters.

The Ultimate World Domination Challenge: The Story of a Serial Killing Robot Dancer

My first contribution to PyWeek. This is the project name, and it will probably change depending on the outcome of my code.

Code, Graphics, Game Design and Story by Johey.

Ok, I did not manage to finish this game. The final upload is just a proof of concept. I wanted to include more features, and some features are not completely ready. There are tons of bugs as well. The most annoying one is that the enemies don't come back when you restart. It just looks like so.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.4
Fun: 1.8
Production: 2.7
Innovation: 2.8

Respondents: 20


File Uploader Date
final submission
Johey 2008/04/06 09:51
First game preview screenshot. This shows the idea of the game board. To be added is a control panel to the right, and of course some characters.
Johey 2008/04/04 09:29

Diary Entries

The first screenshot

Not many hours left, and here is my first screenshot. I am not sure I will make it in time, but I'll try to the last minute. :) I have the main idea, the warfield graphics, music and the code for displaying the warfield. I still need graphics for the main character and the evil robot enemies. Currently I'm working on the control engine.

1 comment

Another Rules Question

Just to be sure not to break the rules, I want to ask another question. I am planning to use my own C64 SID tunes for my pyweek game entry, by first recording them to OGG Vorbis. They have been available in SID format under a CC license for a long time, and downloadable from a number of sites (including CSDb). However, I have not mentioned them on this site until now. Will that count as they have not been available for others to use, which will result in breaking the rules if I use them myself? Or am I free to play?


Why can't I upload?

Why can't I upload my files? At the moment, the main page sais PyWeek — Number 6 — CHALLENGE END: 1 hour, 28 minutes, but I can't submit any files...

Edit: Solved. :)


Thanks alot!

Thank you all for the feedback! I'm sorry for the bug that makes previously killed enemies disappear. There is a bugfix in the wiki. However, it is possible to complete the level without cheating. Just kill the top-right enemy first, then step backwards and the rest is settled. :)

There is actually only one level, and it was just my test level for the development. I did not have time to make a good set of levels. I have plans on making other types of traps and gadgets, like moving ground, user terminals, pre-programmed macros etc. It will be more fun when it's ready. :D

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