PyWeek - Wood & Wolf - feedback

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3 3 4

frantic! it would be pretty hard to play this game for any length of time.

5 3 5

I could see myself playing this for a while. It's enough of a challenge but not too much to scare me off. Plus it's funny! More animation, etc, expand on the idea, and it could be a great game beyond pyweek.

3 3 3

funny idea. a bit of a mess.

3 3 4

A pretty nice game with a good idea and a good implementation. Somehow it felt a bit broken that new clients appear in places with old clients so you couldn't launch them because they'd hit eachother. The new clients would then get angry and spread bad rumours! Nice icons on the right. :)

2 2 3

Need smashing sounds :)

3 4 4

I really liked the concept of this game. It's an excellent use of theme. The graphics are very good, too, the "bonks" and the image of them hurt make the game funnier. This game is a bit too hard sometimes, though, because sometimes the jumpers stop right where there's another jumping and you either let them hit each other (it's a bit too hard not to hit two jumpers) or they leave. I have to admit the game didn't keep me for long, though, but I'm not sure why, maybe it lacks more things to do, or maybe it's because of the difficulty. Other than that, I enjoyed this game and especially I really liked the idea.

4 3 4

<p>I loved the gameplay... it is simple but fun. A high score table would add a lot to this.

<p>There are some quirks on the game that make it a bit frustrating. Sometime s to guys crash into each other and get synchronizaed a lot which makes you lose tons of money... I think the hurt penalization could be larger, but penalizing for each hurt guy instead of for each hit.

<p>Also, the slow time getting the guys up discourages me from making risky long jumps: while that happy jumper is roping up, I can't use that section of the bridge for a long time or I risk getting the guys hurt. So I probably end up with several unhappy customers.

<p>I also dislike the restriction on the clients positioning, sometimes they stop on the beginning of the bridge, and I must leave them unhappy even if I have time and the other end of the bridge free.

4 4 3

Quickly degenerates into crazy fun and lots on head-bumping! Not bad though!

3 4 4

Nice idea, though I couldn't figure out how to choose the bungee's length or angle of jump... probably y missed out on most the fun.

I liked the drawn graphics with a small amount of colors and thick strokes.

4 3 3

really nice and fun. great casual game. needs some more content to keep me interested past 15 minutes though.

4 3 5

Great idea. Gameplay needs some balance (too many guys stop right over an existing rope)

3 4 4

Neat idea. It was kind of hard to figure out a good strategy, if there is one.

4 3 4

Very good and a funny one. Enjoyed playing the game.

4 2 3

Nice idea!

2 3 4

Funny idea, funny game, but gameplay = not + funny - ny. I laughed while playing this, but I didn't play it for long.

4 3 4

Would like some music :D

4 3 4

this was quite fun although i don't really see how you avoid bonking them together :(

3 4 4

Cool game! I really liked the artwork, and the cute graphics for the poor bandaged guys when they got injured. The game was easy to pick up and learn, but hard to master -- eventually I just didn't have room for all of the customers (they all seemed to stop in the same places...), and too many went away angry. Is there any way to win the game? Regardless, it was still a fun game -- nicely done!

2 2 3

It's pretty fun for the first few minutes, but by the time you have ten people wanting to jump, it's impossibly hard to keep the customer satisfaction up. (Unless if there is some way that I haven't figured out to have 20 dudes simultaneously hanging off the bridge without injuries.)

4 3 4

Cool idea :)

3 2 3

... *clonk*

I'm not very good at this.

5 3 4

Funny idea :)

4 3 4

Very nice game! I really like the idea. My only problem is that customers just stay where they would like to jump. The player should have bigger influence on where people will jump from.

4 2 3

Fun to play

4 4 3

Funny game! The graphics are exuberant enough to compensate for lack of sound. Nice use of string in game.

2 3 3

On the plus side, the engine works well and feels like a fineshed game.<br>
On the minus side, the gameplay dont call me too much.

4 2 4

Great game idea. It would be hilarious with some sound effects.. :)

3 4 4

Great concept. I found the game to be somewhat difficult. It seemed very difficult to get enough happy customers without cracking some heads. Great physics!

3 3 3

good game, but the fact that at points you get zerged by people and pretty much all stop over people that have already jumped can get kinda frustrating

3 3 3

Not bad. The initial screenshots had me worried, but the game shaped up rather nicely. Levels, high scores and other similar features are definitely needed to give player a sense of accomplishment.

2 3 3

Interesting idea, but needs more work to make it fun to play for more than a couple of minutes.

3 3 3

Good all round, well done.

5 3 4

This game was really fun, but it gets hard quickly. The timing and player locations need to be tweaked a little so the guys don't tend to pile up so early. String mechanics were excellent. I think this is a strong candidate for solo award.

2 2 4

Loved the concept! Bungie!

3 3 3

Nicely executed, an entertaining diversion for a few minutes.

4 3 4

Hilarious. I very much enjoyed the sight of a dozen jumpers dangling helplessly off the bridge.

Could have done with some music/SFX.

3 3 4

ha ha... The idea is very original!
Consider adding some kind of music / sound effects. It could improve the gameplay a lot!

4 4 4

Fun game, hard though.

5 4 5

Man i just loved this game idea. You did an awesome job. The graphics were also great. I don't really know what to change in it. GJ!

4 4 4

Great fun. It was as much fun injuring the customers as it was running a successful business.

I should never run a business...

3 3 4

I found this fun.. until it got frustrating :P

Good job!