The title screen.

Twisted River Community

Your twisted god sends you along a twisted quest to take a few twisted people and settle along a twisted river. Can you fulfill your destiny or will you cause everybody to starve?

A city-builder game set along a unnaturally winding river, with crazy villagers and a god who would love to see you fail.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.1
Fun: 3.3
Production: 3
Innovation: 3

0% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 29


File Uploader Date
Twisted River Final.tar.gzfinal
Final release. Contains manual and performance improvements.
Alya 2007/09/08 20:41
Twisted River Pre-Final.tar.gzfinal
Almost-Final Release: Manual still missing
Alya 2007/09/08 18:07
Twisted River Revision 2.tar.gz
Second playable revision: Only campaign and balancing missing.
Alya 2007/09/08 02:28
Screenshot Title Screen.png
The title screen.
Alya 2007/09/07 22:14
Screenshot Free Play.png
Beginning of the "Free Play"-scenario.
Alya 2007/09/07 13:21
Twisted River Revision 1.tar.gz
First playable revision: Basic buildings, AI and a Tutorial implemented.
Alya 2007/09/04 21:31
Screenshot Revision 1.png
First playable revision.
Alya 2007/09/04 21:27

Diary Entries

Twisted River Community - First Playable Revision


I've decided to go with a city-builder game in pygame.draw this time. Twisted was my least favorite theme for that. :-/

In the game, you settle a city on a twisted river (which likes to get in the way of city planning :-)). At the moment, your villagers will construct buildings, gather wood and food, eat and hang around their houses when they've nothing to do.

Eventually, I hope to have a campaign of scenarios in which you need to fulfill the wishes of a twisted god.

What I did so far:

Day 1 was mostly about implementing UI stuff and the basic map and building model.

Day 2 was villagers, AI, jobs and resources, making the town coming alive.

Today, I extended the villagers and buildings, put in construction jobs and an UI to place buildings. I also wrote a short tutorial scenario for the stuff that's in so far.

That means, this revision is kinda playable now :-)

There's still a lot missing. On the todo list are:

  • A happiness system
  • A better needs system
  • Resting and socializing
  • More buildings and resources
  • UI views for buildings and resources
  • UI to control who does what jobs
  • Extensions to the UI view for people
  • A menu, saving, loading
  • Tutorial for all of the above
  • A small campaign
  • A free play scenario

I have no clue how much of that I'll manage to put in...


Twisted River Community - Second Playable Revision


I've spent the last three days mostly rewriting the jobs and resources systems and implementing various AI tasks, buildings and UI views.

I've removed scrollable maps and saving and loading (my arch-enemies; I couldn't get them to work in time the last time either :-() from my todo-list and finished everything else except the campaign and balancing.

There's a new revision up.

New screenshots:

[Title Screen]
The title screen featuring a pretty public domain photograph.

[Free Play Screen]
The "Free Play"-scenario. All buildings here are fully functional. :-)

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