PyWeek - Orpheus - feedback

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2 2 3 yes

The menu isn't working? I don't get it.

3 3 3

An interesting game. Very much.

1 1 1 yes

Sounds like a cool idea, but while I was able to get it to run, I could not get the game to do much.
Menus didn't work, no indication that I managed to build or transport or mine anything, etc.

1 2 3

Aaghh! This game looks like it would be so much fun if only I understood the menus and could see
whether clicking on something actually had any effect!

2 2 3

The background music is really nice! I suspect it's your own work, but there's no readme or
credits. The terrible UI spoils an otherwise interesting game. It's not just badly designed
but also badly implemented. Random submenus open in the wrong positions sometimes, etc.
Nevertheless I managed to build a manufactory but then it crashed: Traceback (most recent
call last): File "", line 39, in if __name__ == '__main__': main() File "",
line 37, in main event_manager.update() File "orpheus/", line 30, in update
h(*e[1], **e[2]) File "orpheus/", line 58, in update self.input.draw() File
"orpheus/", line 86, in draw cost =
self.selected_unit._colony.costTo(self.over.planet) AttributeError: Planet
instance has no attribute 'costTo'

1 3 2

I try this game several time but i don't understand what I have to do. Nice graphic.

1 1 1 yes

Crashed whenever I tried to send drones, no help files, no buttons seemed to do anything.
Without any diary entries to comment and ask for help on it is hard to be enthused to put in effort
to find out more.

1 2 2 yes

I really like the idea of this game, but all I could seem to do was bring up some submenus that
didn't actually do anything. I really was on the fence about listing this game as playable,
since I could get to a menu, but since that seemed to be about it I had to go with DNW.

1 4 2

Looks like a quite deep game, but not able to find any information about how to play it.

1 3 3

I couldn't really figure out how to actually play. Is it unfinished? Most of the stuff in the
menu doesn't seem to do anything. It's really pretty though and the procedurally generated
systems are awesome.

1 4 2

Almost unplayable, at least with Python 2.7.2 on Ubuntu 11.10. When running, I'm able
to see a nice solar system with cute descriptions, and found the one with a menu, but that menu
has serious problems, and doesn't seem to do anything useful. The "End Turn" button at least
increments the turn number and changes the numbers on the bottom-right in indeterminate
fashion. That I can't find anything useful to do makes the music more depressing than calm.

2 4 2

I found this a little frustrating to play. There was a lack of focus, and it moved quite slowly.
That said, I absolutely loved the music.

1 2 2

may be, i just don't get it... But game shouldn't be something that is hard to understand,
should it?

1 4 3 yes

The graphics look very nice, but I can't make it do anything.

1 4 1

No README file, no instructions. I tried python and honestly I don't know what to do
after that. Looks gorgeous though. Finally... Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 39, in if __name__ == '__main__': main() File "", line 37, in main
event_manager.update() File "Orpheus/orpheus/", line 30, in update h(*e[1],
**e[2]) File "Orpheus/orpheus/", line 58, in update self.input.draw() File
"Orpheus/orpheus/", line 86, in draw cost =
self.selected_unit._colony.costTo(self.over.planet) AttributeError: Planet
instance has no attribute 'costTo'