Not a Ninja

We are anything but ninjas. If we were, you wouldnt be able to read this without dying.


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File Uploader Date
robot mock.jpg
editbot and rolly robot
smatts 2008/04/05 19:14
MainMenu bot
smatts 2008/04/05 19:14
alia 2008/04/04 00:17

Diary Entries


Hey rich - It seems the rss feed got stuck? Last story is "happy valentines day". Tried refreshing the feed but no banannas.


Robots owned us...

Team Not a Ninja lived up to their name.

Due to how rad our idea was, and how we totally couldn't do it in a week given that we all work full time jobs and do other things as well, we're not going to finish on time. We're not going to stop though! We like our robots too much so we'll post something in the next couple of weeks just for fun.

Anyways, here's the idea. It's a build-a-robot playground. Using an editor you pin robot parts together. Parts with an on state can then be assigned to a control key. When that key is pressed, the part goes on. The fun part is to see if you can build a robot that is controllable (using wheels, rockets, magnets, springs, etc...). Game is in 2D using rabbyt, pymunk and pyglet. Gameplay is physics based, so the hope is there is lots of emergent gameplay just from trying to navigate the world! We have cool ideas for levels too one day...

Oh, we also want to do away with a front end eventually and just use robots we build in the game to function as main menu, editing screen etc...

Anyways. Here's some art, these are mockups of robots built from the individual parts that are in the game now. The component editor mostly works and the robot editor is on it's way. A couple more days and we could have posted something working!

1 comment

Pre compiled chipmunk for mac?

Does anyone have a compiled version of chipmunk for macos that we could steal? I dont have access to a mac. :(

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