PyWeek - INFECTED - feedback

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very short but good

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Nice try.

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Button Masher! Would have been nicer to have more than one bullet at a time

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Connection to the theme is a bit tentative. Game needed more depth than
simply staying in one place and shooting.

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where is the exit? un-winnable :(

3 4 3

nice game ;)

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Also if you stand they cant hurt you

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the death screen is scary!

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AAAAAAAH they are coming to get me. Gun don't fail me now. Oh you did:( pooh. Goodbye cruel world.

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A bit incomplete.

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It was a hard life. I struggled with the day-to-day, scraping for scraps of accomplishment and
self esteem. Then the office just...turned to zombies! I donned my nearby hazmat suit,
purchased for $99.99 on eBay. YESSS! I knew this thing would save me someday! And my handy
paintball gun. Who knew these little capsules would disintegrate zombies in their tracks.
BLAM BLAM BLAM! Take that you evil pointy-haired boss!!! And that! And... oh crap they're
coming faster and I'm trapped in the corner of this stupid cubicle farm Aaaaa! Level 10. But who
among the zombies will ever know or care? Braiiiins... :)

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I've never seen zombies move so fast!

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Not much to it since moving left or right doesn't matter and the only way of killing zombies is to press space. Would be better if there was more of a goal and you could avoid the enemies as well as shoot them.

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It's complete, and has sound. But the gameplay looks a little lacking. Is there any advantage in moving? Or letting go of the fire key?

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So, I just hit spacebar over and over?

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Needs a lot more game play, Transparent backgrounds for the sprites. Eerie sounds. :)

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Well, it's a finished game! You can kill zombies in it! It even has sounds! That's all. I like how minimal the walk animation is and especially how it is implemented in code :D.

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man, loud zombie noises.

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Hey it doesnt work for me. I shouldnt need pygame for this to work. Make it a self-contained .sh and it can be played. :L

More seriously, although not innovative nor really fun, this game was actually decently produced. Did you make the zombie sounds yourself?

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it would have been more fun with jumping/ platforms/ other but otherwise good game.

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Seemed kinda repetitive. I liked the zombie sounds!

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Hey I'm really glad you entered and I hope you enter again in the future!

Soooo.... looking at your code.... I think you have a lot to learn about programming. Your lines 155 through 294 could be replaced with a single line using the modulus operation. I think if you picked up a little more coding skill you could easily make something more engaging than a game where the object is to press the space bar as fast as you can. Everything except the gameplay works quite well, the graphics and sound and controls. I'd like to see what you could come up with with a little more practice!

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Well, this is certainly the best all-in-one-gigantic-function game I've ever seen.

It's a reasonable effort from someone obviously new to Python, and most likely to programming in general, but the inexperience shows. Keep at it, and maybe read some good programming books. Looking forward to future entries when you've learned more.

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good one

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There is neither somewhere to move to nor a way to die. Uninspiring game after all...

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too much ripetitive, sorry