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2 3 2

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I have the photo in my bag. I press shift on the vitrine. I can choose from PUT, EXIT and LOOK. PUT
and EXIT just close the dialog. I can't put the photo in the vitrine.

1 1 1 yes

There were problems with some files. Traceback (most recent call last): File
"C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 2, in import
game File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 10, in
import level File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line
11, in import maps File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\",
line 10, in from objects import objectDict File
"C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 89, in 17:
({"look": tuerSchliessen}, load_image("graphics/objects/tГјrAuf.png")), File
"C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\retrogamelib\", line 18,
in load_image filepath(filename)).convert_alpha() error: Couldn't open
graphics\objects\tГјrAuf.png After you rename the files could not play. Traceback (most
recent call last): File
"C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 2, in import
game File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 10, in
import level File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line
11, in import maps File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\",
line 10, in from objects import objectDict File
"C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 139, in load()
File "C:\Downloads\PyWeek-15-finals\21\marsnik\marsnik\", line 16, in load
objects = numpy.load(file) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\",
line 359, in load "Failed to interpret file %s as a pickle" % repr(file) IOError: Failed to
interpret file as a pickle Sorry, I wanted to play.

3 4 3

mp3 didn't play on macosx. Not sure why so I commented it all out. Nice little game, I'd like to
check out the retrogamelib. Thanks for the inspiration. Loved the little jokes you put in the
game. Cool sense of humour. Take Care.

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I spent a lot of time wandering before I deduced there was nothing to see.

1 4 2

Nicely made but needs something to do, good job on the music :)

2 3 3

the music is really nice

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Nice music but not much of a story.

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I love the starting animation of Mars and the player turning all the time! :-) Perhaps a little
bit short, not too much to do once you put the picture in the vitrine and go to sleep.

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It took a bit of work to get it running. I really like the retro style. I thought the game itself
was a bit too simple. Cute, though.

2 4 3

Cute style. Story wasn't bad, but I spent way too long wandering outside and not finding
anything. My main complaint is that the controls were a bit hard to work with. You could have
gotten by with just one button rather than 3 (shift/alt/enter).

2 3 2

unfinished? i didn't find the mars rover, i can't break the vetrine nice graphic and music

3 3 3

Very sweet, with a couple of funny bits. Unfortunately, I had to rename türAuf.png and
türZu.png to get them to load properly.

3 2 2

Had to rename türAuf.png and türZu.png (probably a filesystem encoding problem) I stumbled
over a finger! Twice! :) Very retro. The controls are a bit non-obvious. All in all, a nice and
well-finished but very small game. Although the huge slow text was a bit annoying, the
messages did somehow give the character just enough personality for me to care about him and
wonder what would happen when he woke up. Actually, since I left both doors of the airlock open,
he probably never did. :/

2 3 2

This game made me feel sad for the poor guy. I just wish he'd had more to do before I felt sad for

1 1 1 yes

Oh, why did he use weird characters in the filenames? I'm Spanish, and I can't tell you that it is
a very bad idea :( $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 2, in import game File
"./pyweek15/PyWeek-15-finals/21/marsnik/", line 10, in import level File
"./pyweek15/PyWeek-15-finals/21/marsnik/", line 11, in import maps File
"./pyweek15/PyWeek-15-finals/21/marsnik/", line 10, in from objects import
objectDict File "./pyweek15/PyWeek-15-finals/21/marsnik/", line 89, in 17:
({"look": tuerSchliessen}, load_image("graphics/objects/türAuf.png")), File
"/./pyweek15/PyWeek-15-finals/21/marsnik/retrogamelib/", line 18, in
load_image filepath(filename)).convert_alpha() pygame.error: Couldn't open

2 3 3 yes

A nice little game. It's a pity there's actually nothing to do in it.