End of day 2...

well, I got more done today than i thought I would, you can download what we have so far from our diary page ;)

Thanks to saluk's suggestion I was able to keep my physics,player stuff :)

What is done so far...
collision detection is finished, i think...
model loading is working
particle effects are running
player physics(movement, jumping) are finished

Still to do,
get some descent graphics going(akk, we're still using all place-holders!)
Add 'blocks' that the player must go around or jump on
add enemies
add fighting
add items
add level-loading
add level victory conditions
and get the rest of the physics worked out :(

We are trying to decide whether or not to go with the current idea, which will be very difficult to finish, and is similar to many other games here.
Or, we have a backup plan, which I think might be more fun, but will be harder to balance...

Either way we still have loads to do, but it looks like we may actually finish :)