The only way... is UP!

When the dark heart of betrayal strikes you in your gut...

When everything you know has been turned on its head, making you spin into a dizzy nightmarish trance of despair...

When everyone you care for kicks you to the curb like a world-class soccer player going for the winning goal...

This, is when you know you've hit rock bottom. Your one solace is the realization that it can't possibly get any worse. And so you steel yourself against all odds and resign to survive the ordeal. Because you know that at this point, the only way is up!

Upward Mobility - coming next sunday...

(ad paid for by Harga's House of Ribs - if you miss out on Harga's juicy ultimate rib platter (tm), you may as well go hungry)

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I don't mind of you steal (borrow) one of my theme ideas, but I would ask that you wait until I select one and try not to use the idea that I end up with. I should know by tomorrow which idea I am going with.