Day 4-6: Joe's Furniture Removals

Spent Days 4 and 5 making a level editor, creating classes for running menus, cutscenes etc. Turned out to be a lot more work than I thought, although I think I've got some pretty good machinery setup for this now. Day 6 was spend building a level select screen, adding some characters and cutscenes to the game, polishing the logic and control flow between different scenes and finalising the mechanics of the actual game. I've left the end of Day 6 and Day 7 for developing most of the levels; on reflection I think I probably should have dedicated more time for this at the start rather than leave it to now :) ... so I risk that my levels might suck because I won't get tones of time to play test them or get feedback from others. Also haven't really thought to hard about getting the final code ready for different platforms (once again kind of crossing my fingers that it's going to run smoothly in windows and linux, as I've been testing in osx). Adding some screen shots soon.